Most of the alkaloids identified in Mitragyna speciosa Kratom are Yohimbe-type indoles and oxindoles. The most abundant alkaloids consist of three indoles and two oxindoles, and some indoles such as mitragynine, paynanthine and others are unique to the Mitragyna speciosa plant.
Other indole alkaloids present are found in the whole leaf of the Mitragyna
speciosa plant. Two of particular interest are corynantheidine another μ-
opioid antagonist also found in Yohimbe, as well as...
This level has been compared to the effects of a mild opiate, such as codeine or a less complex poppy-tea. At this Kratom dosage, one is less sensitive to stress, physical or emotional pain, pretty much on par with weaker opiates such as codeine. Euphoric feelings are present, though not as overwhelming as that of stronger opiates. One feels and looks calm, with smaller, constricted pupils.
Male orgasm can be delayed while sensitivity is heightened, which is the main reason why Mitragyna...
The term “narcotic” is based on the Greek word “narcosis”, the term used by Hippocrates for the process of benumbing, benumbed or sedated state. A “narcotic” substance refers to agents that benumb or deaden, and by metaphorical extension those that cause loss of feelings, or sedation.
“Narcotics” are usually understood as substances that produce a general sense of well-being, sometimes known as euphoria, deep relaxation, and a reduction of tension and anxiety.
Yet this term is often used...
The term “sedative”, or “sedative-hypnotic” refers to a class of substances that depress the central nervous system (C.N.S.), which induces a state of calmness, relaxation, reduction of anxiety, sleepiness, and slowed breathing.
Sedative-hypnotics may be also be referred to as tranquilizers, depressants, anxiolytics, soporifics, or sleeping pills.
The term “opiates” refers to the narcotic alkaloids extracted from opium poppy (Papaver somniferum ) pods and latex, and sometimes to their semi-synthetic counterparts. These alkaloid’s narcotic activity comes from their binding to the brain and gastro-intestinal opioid receptors ( codeine, morphine, heroin…).
Opioid receptors are a group of G-protein coupled receptors that have opioids as ligands: a substance that is able to bind to and form a complex with a biomolecule, in order to serve a biological purpose.
The opioid receptors are mainly found in the Central Nervous System (C.N.S.) and the gastro-intestinal tract, and include the delta (D) receptors, the kappa (k) receptors and the mu (μ) receptors. Kratom affects mostly the μ (mu) and D (delta) receptors.
An opioid binds to specific opioid...
At low doses, Mitragyna speciosa Kratom is stimulating, the more sedating effects being brought about by more opioid receptors binding as the dose range moves up.
If this stimulant level of Kratom is very much related to the dose taken, it is also usually present to some extent at the beginning of any Mitragyna speciosa Kratom experience, before the user feels sedated, yet on a much shorter timeframe.
Mitragyna speciosa Kratom’s stimulant level is somewhat comparable to a mild version of...
Kratom is the vernacular name given to a tree, Mitragyna speciosa indigenous to Southeast Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia, P.N.G. and elsewhere) as well as to the psychoactive preparations made from the tree’s harvested leaves.
While the name Kratom is now the most well known, the Mitragyna speciosa tree and leaf derived preparations are also known as Krahtom, Ketum, Kakuam, Ithang, Biak or Thom in different South-East Asian languages and locations.
“Kratom” comes from the...
The Mitragyna speciosa Kratom tree grows naturally throughout Southeast Asia, yet little is known of its traditional consumption outside of Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma, countries which have mentioned Kratom use in official documents and studies.
This is mainly due to the fact that Kratom use, though common in large cities, is still most often linked to rural, sometimes remote ethnobotanical traditions, which still have not been studied. Mitragyna speciosa Kratom grows across Indonesia...
The dual nature of Mitragyna speciosa Kratom’s effects places it in a category of its own, and the common pharmacological classification of Kratom as a “non-opioid narcotic” does not accurately reflect this particularity.
The main psychoactive effects of Kratom are indeed opioid like, somewhat similar and related to the sedative and narcotic effects of opiates or other opioids. However Mitragyna speciosa Kratom is also rather unique in that its chemical makeup and mode of action also...