Health risks and side-effects of Kratom use

Mitragyna speciosa Kratom use is legal in most parts of the world, and is not specifically tested for in drug-screens or drug tests. Yet Kratom users facing potential drug-tests, such as urine drug-screens, which are very common in the U.S.A. for instance- should be very careful with Kratom use, and preferably restrain for using Kratom in the days before a test, as one would with opiates. Indeed, Kratom has been very occasionally reported to have caused false-positive results for opiates...
As previously mentioned, despite Mitragyna speciosa Kratom’s relatively long history of human use, Kratom and Kratom use has rarely been studied extensively, even in countries where Kratom use is traditional. Such a country, Thailand, actually banned Kratom in 1943 (a ban which is now under discussion), and has also held strong anti-Kratom positions, in accordance with its generally aggressive and repressive anti-drug policy. In Thailand itself, scientific knowledge of Kratom is still...
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A few Kratom users, those more sensitive than others, have had allergy-like reactions to Mitragyna speciosa Kratom, especially in higher doses, which causes them to feel a generalised body itching, similar to opioids. This unpleasant sensation is most likely due to histamine output, and can be treated with histamine medication (dph/dhm) if it becomes too uncomfortable. When using Mitragyna speciosa Kratom reasonably, health problems are unlikely, unless one is consuming large quantities...
Mitragyna speciosa Kratom use appears to be very safe in standard recreational doses. A person who consumes too much Mitragyna speciosa Kratom will experience strong nausea and vomit the consumed Kratom before their body would absorb enough alkaloids to cause a potentially dangerous overdose. This mechanism is thought to be due to Kratom’s action on the brain’s “vomiting centre”, which is normally stimulated by the stomach (for example by contaminated food), and typically causes the...