Hi everyone. First of all iam brand new to this site and if someone can help me navigate around here i would greatly
appreciate. i have a problem and i am hoping that someone has or has had this experience before. Iam in my 50´s and have been on methadone for 3 yrs. I take 25 milligrams daily . I would like to know if someone out there can tell me if i can use Kratom to get off methadone SAFELY! Does anyone out there had this experience before? methadone is the worst and strongest narcotic to stop and it is stored in one´s fat cells and it has a half -life of over 12 hours.I know that Kratom DOES NOT! iam on a low dose of methadone {25 mgs} but i already know that even if i taper down and once i get to 5 milligrams i will have some serious withdrawals! I was told that Kratom although very addictive in itself, can be used for opiate withdrawal,but can it be used for KING METHADONE WITHDRAWALS? Is there anyone out there that has had this experience kicking methadone with Kratom?. If so can someone tell me what kind of Kratom to buy what i must do with my methadone dose in order to use Kratom , successfully? How much Kratom to i start with? How often will i need to take it to avoid most of the methadone withdrawal symptoms. i want to be on the Kratom for 30 days to get most of the Methadone out of my system. Is there anyone FOR SURE, THAT CAN TELL ME IF IT WILL WORK, HOW EXACTLY CAN I USE IT, HOW MUCH TO TAKE DAILY AND THEN AT THE 30 DAY POINT HOW I CAN TAPER OFF THE KRATOM TO THEN BE OPIATE FREE? Please help me.I have tried to get help and sent so many e-mails to different organizations .
appreciate. i have a problem and i am hoping that someone has or has had this experience before. Iam in my 50´s and have been on methadone for 3 yrs. I take 25 milligrams daily . I would like to know if someone out there can tell me if i can use Kratom to get off methadone SAFELY! Does anyone out there had this experience before? methadone is the worst and strongest narcotic to stop and it is stored in one´s fat cells and it has a half -life of over 12 hours.I know that Kratom DOES NOT! iam on a low dose of methadone {25 mgs} but i already know that even if i taper down and once i get to 5 milligrams i will have some serious withdrawals! I was told that Kratom although very addictive in itself, can be used for opiate withdrawal,but can it be used for KING METHADONE WITHDRAWALS? Is there anyone out there that has had this experience kicking methadone with Kratom?. If so can someone tell me what kind of Kratom to buy what i must do with my methadone dose in order to use Kratom , successfully? How much Kratom to i start with? How often will i need to take it to avoid most of the methadone withdrawal symptoms. i want to be on the Kratom for 30 days to get most of the Methadone out of my system. Is there anyone FOR SURE, THAT CAN TELL ME IF IT WILL WORK, HOW EXACTLY CAN I USE IT, HOW MUCH TO TAKE DAILY AND THEN AT THE 30 DAY POINT HOW I CAN TAPER OFF THE KRATOM TO THEN BE OPIATE FREE? Please help me.I have tried to get help and sent so many e-mails to different organizations .